Intrepid Retrievers
LET'S TALK: 1-970-231-6810​

We offer many services and are always looking to increase services and improve our exhisting services. We are open to suggestions
or if there are special needs you have we will make every effort to assist. Feedback can only improve our service.

We offer boarding for our dogs in training. However, we also offer boarding for dogs based upon availability. We can offer training with boarding as a tune up for your dog while your away.
We also offering boarding services for dogs even without training. If you need your dog cared for while you travel, gives us a call. We have a veterinarian on site, have secure safe roomy enclosures and we clean multiple times throughout the day as needed. We can give exercise sessions, obedience training, or even field work.

Winter Trip Information
Each spring we travel to South Texas to get an early start on our competition season. Colorado winters are just too cold to do any water training from November through mid April. To counter this we spend 6-8 weeks in Texas from late February through Early April.
This allows our competition dogs an early start on their water training, and gives our winter gundogs a chance to complete their water training. We also start our competition season while in Texas which provides an opportunity to add more tests and qualifications. This is the best Training we get all year do to the fabulous training grounds that Texas provides.
We have very limited space for this trip so don't delay. Give us a call for more info.
Veterinary Services Onsite
Mark Powell DVM, and owner of Powell Veterinary Services is onsite and owner of the wonderful property that we get to call training home. Mark has been a long time hunter and avid Hunt-Test competitor and judge. Mark's experience with working dogs as both competitor and Veterinarian gives Mark added experience in treating gundogs.
Having daily assistance from a Vet with Mark's experience has benefitted our clients dog's. It has surely given me peace of mind to have such credible help. So lets us help you with a one stop shop for all your gundogs needs. Boarding, Veterinary, Training all in one place.
Just click on the adjacent pic and you will be taken to www.powellvets.com.